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Air Purification

Triton HVAC is your Air Purification expert. With over 50 years of experience in helping to maintain the indoor air quality of Colorado Springs’ homes and offices, we have the answers you seek to breathing cleaner and healthier air. Purifying the air is the next step beyond simple filtration. For multi-person households and offices, homes with pets and individuals with severe allergies or respiratory ailments such as asthma or emphysema, an air purification system tailored to your specific needs will provide the best results.

Triton can employ several methods of air purification starting with systems like the Daikin Whole House Purifier which provides hospital-grade levels of purification and can remove up to 99% of viruses such as Covid-19, along with smaller viruses, spores, and bacteria. Its filter is designed to offer low airflow resistance, resulting in maximum system efficiency and lower operating costs. Combine the Daikin Whole House Purifier with a Goodman UV Purifier, which uses UV light to replicate the properties of sunlight – creating naturally occurring gaseous hydrogen peroxide in the air, which reduces odors, viruses, bacteria, mold spores, and other microbes – and you have an unbeatable combo for reducing and eliminating unhealthy elements in your interior environment.

Taking these steps will result in an incredibly healthy and beneficial environment. We spend up to 90% of our time indoors. Let Triton HVAC fill that environment with the cleanest, freshest and healthiest air imaginable!